Till mig själv när jag tappar motivationen

Uttdrag ur The pH Miracle:

"I do want to note, however, that as far as this biochemical approach can take you toward wellness, you cannot overlook the environmental, intellectual, psychological, emotional, and spiritual factors that also inluence your overall well-being. To truly achieve optimal health, you also need to break the pattern of negativity that feeds sickness in disease. The acidic diet you're leaving behind is just one example. You also have to deal with chemical exposure, prescription drugs (including cigarettes and their nicotine), and less obviously, negative thoughts, words, and deeds."

"Relief of your symptoms is all well and good, but persist with the program and into a complete alkaline way of eating, and you'll experience total wellness that might be beyond what you can imagine while you are plauged with symptoms."

"Healthy living should be instinctive, but clearly somewhere along the way humans have lost the ability to sense it. At this point, extraordinary means are required for its recovery. Fortunatly, you hold those means in your hands right now. But what we all need to do is get our health under control - then get past it. Don't let it become an obsession. Don't become its slave. A healthy body and mind put us in a position to better serve our universe. So they are worthwhile aims, certainly. Just don't get so absorbed in attaining them that you miss out on the unpredictable play of Life."

Så! Nu är alla tvivel borta och jag är fylld av motivation igen. JAG VET att detta är rätt för mig. Ibland tvekar jag, men innerst inne VET JAG!

Kärlek! /Maria


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